Presented by Stephanie Benintendi, Corporate Director of
Patient Access at Centura Health
We caught up with Stephanie Benintendi to discuss her Learning
Lab at this year’s NAHAM
Annual Conference. She will address what “transparency” means
within healthcare reform. Follow Centura Health's journey of being an industry
leader in transparency for consumers using science and art to set the bar for
best practice.
Why is this a must-attend session? This
session revolves around bringing transparency to the consumer in a way that is
modeled after other industries to try to break down the barriers patients have
in accessing care due to cost. As the Affordable Care Act has expanded
insurance coverage to more people, it also brought with it higher out-of-pocket
costs for some in the form of deductibles and co-insurance that they haven’t
had to deal with in the past.
Why is this topic so important to the world of
Patient Access today? We are the frontline associates in the
hospitals who have to try to explain all this to patients when it comes time to
schedule a visit or procedure, and then have the sometimes uncomfortable
conversation with them about financial arrangements for that care. If the
healthcare industry can become more transparent in their prices to the public
so they can self-educate from a trusted source (their local hospital), our
patients will not feel so vulnerable and can start to ask questions from an
informed position.